What Keeps You and Your Company from Taking the Leap?

We work with a variety of businesses and have done the research for you! We’ve discovered common threads and fears that keep business owners from taking “The Big Leap” to manifesting the growth they really deserve. A key component is having the courage to challenge our existing mindsets to build a new vision of our future. The deeper problems of your business are usually personal, and are never outwardly apparent. This requires a pragmatic and purposeful inquiry to unearth the core issues that hold your people and teams from developing new ideas that will transform your business.An individual’s “worthiness” and feeling of “self-worth” is the most valuable asset in life. Exploring the triggers that hold individuals from achieving their “human potential” is the best investment a company can and should make in their human capital.


I’m Greg.

An entrepreneur,
author,and personal
development expert,
dedicated to helping
you bridge the gap
between where you
are and where you
want to be.

Free Book Sample!

Gain the clarity necessary to take your ideas from an intuitive thought to implementation and execution. Download the first two chapters of Hacking the Gap: A Journey from Intuition to Innovation and Beyond.

“The birth and evolution of an idea always leads to personal transformation.” – GREG VOISEN


How We Work & What We Do

We will work with you on the pragmatic, practical and purposeful element of your business. When combining these elements, it produces powerful results, materially and consciously for you, your employees, vendors and stakeholders.

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Explore the ways I can help you and your team Hack any Gaps you are encountering. Schedule a no-obligation call today!

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Boost your teams and employee’s performance by engaging in one of our high performance workshops, then ongoing support group sessions.

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Explore a variety of free resources to get you started with the essential tools that will have you ‘Hacking the Gap’ today!

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Hover over Icons to Learn More!

  • IntuitionListening Deeply
    Our natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why.
  • InsightThe A-Ha Moment
    It Is the sudden understanding or grasp of a concept that is often described as an “Aha” moment—an event that is typically rewarding and pleasurable. Usually, the insights remain in our memory as lasting impressions.
  • IdeasCapture And Record
    It Is any concept existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness or activity. A thought conception, or notion. Our ideas must be captured and recorded if we are ever to make anything from them.
  • InspirationKnowing It's Right
    It is the divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate a sacred revelation. This is the point where we have a knowing that our idea is “right” and we need to take action to manifest it into reality.
  • IncubationMaturation Process
    To cause or aid the development of an idea through the process of creating the favorable conditions to further the design and features of our product or service.
  • IgnitionManaging Your Energy
    Is the point in which we gain lift off of our product or service. The importance of gaining the momentum prior to lift off is associated with the ability to manage our personal energy effectively to prevent burn out as an entrepreneur.
  • InnovationCreating And Building
    It is the introduction of something new, or making changes to anything that is established. This is the point at which we are ready to build, develop and create our product just prior to announcing our new product or service to the world.
  • Implementation Growing Your Business
    This stage can be the most difficult of all the stages. It is when we put into effect and fulfill on our product or service. We are producing, delivering and fulfilling on our client’s desires to own our new product or service. Here we get to see our dreams turn into reality.

The Hacking the Gap Process

Hacking the Gap is the process by which an individual or team finds the shortest distance between two points and experiences the least amount of resistance on the journey between the two points. Each individual and or team member experiences a personal/professional transformation as they journey between the two points. Learning how to “Hack the Gap” saves precious time, energy and investment in reaching the vision(s) that we are seeking to achieve.

Why Engage Us to Be Your Guides?

We listen to you, your employees, and teams. We seek to understand at a core level the challenges you are facing. We have walked miles in your shoes, and have the experience to help you “hack the gap” so you can take the leap over the business chasms you are facing.

Schedule a Free Consultation



(760) 458-5583


P.O Box 231921
Encinitas, CA 92023