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Start Hacking Your Gap today with these free sample chapters.

Hacking the Gap Book Preview

Two Free Sample Chapters

Gain the clarity necessary to take your ideas from an intuitive thought to implementation and execution. Download the first two chapters of Hacking the Gap: A Journey from Intuition to Innovation and Beyond.


Start by sharing some background information about you and your business. Complete our Intake Questionnaire and we will contact you back to help you begin the process of Hacking The Gap

Audio interviews

Explore with some of the top leaders in business & personal development in these exclusive interviews.

HACKING INTUITION: Interview with Steven Kotler

Audio Interview

Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist and the cofounder/director of research for the Flow Genome Project. He is one of the world’s leading experts on ultimate human performance.

HACKING THE FUTURE OF LEARNING: Interview with Heather McGowan

Audio Interview

Heather McGowan works at the intersection of the future of work and the future of learning, an emerging field that integrates design strategy, management consulting, and education. McGowan uses single frame visuals to help people quickly understand shifting mental maps and contextual references. She assists executives in rethinking their business models, teams, and organizational structures. In higher education, she advises presidents to develop learning agility to prepare graduates for jobs that do not yet exist.

HACKING CREATIVITY: Interview with Sean Voisen

Audio Interview

Sean Voisen makes software that helps people express and share their creativity. Currently, he works as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe, helping to build Adobe XD


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